12 Jul

Sometimes saying “YES” is easy, depending on who asks. If your mother, spouse, or friend asks you to do something, you might instantly say “YES” before knowing what is being asked. Because you know your loved ones have your best interest at heart, and they will not ask you to do anything foolish or outlandish.

When you say “YES” to God, it has a different connotation.  “YES” is a powerful statement when answering God’s call and will for your life. When you tell God “YES” you are saying, God, I surrender my all to you. I give up my ways, ideas, and will to implement your ways, ideas, and will for my life. God, I give you permission to do whatever you want and how you want to do it. God, where you lead me, I will follow.

Saying “YES” to God can be hard because it can cause you to be uncomfortable, letting go of your desires and totally trusting God to lead you in his path and will for your life. God’s ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). So, we must submit to God’s will and way to receive His promises. Remember to obey God is better than sacrifice (I Samuel 15:22). God is looking forward to your "YES" he loves you and wants to continue fellowship with you.

It is good to know your family and friends have your best interest at heart. But it’s better to know God loves you with an everlasting love, and His love for you is unconditional. God’s love exceeds any family member and friend. Saying “YES” to God is not meant to harm or hurt you but for you to simply surrender to His will. God wants to lead and direct you to the place of expectancy. God’s desire is to give you a future and a hope, an expected end. Saying “YES” to God is to surrender your will for His promise.


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